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Hog Roast Westhill – Retirement Party

These days it seems that retirement is always moving further and further away and most of us will likely be well into our seventies before we can plan our retirements. This weekend we catered at Rose’s retirement party. At a grand age of 85 she was finally retiring from her dream job as a music teacher. We couldn’t believe she was really 85 as she looked so good and the fact that she had continued teaching for so many years. Her husband, Albert told us he had been nagging her to retire with him for nearly ten years now and she just wanted to carry on as she loved teaching so much, we couldn’t help but admire her passion!

Hog Roast WesthillFor the retirement party some of her former pupils had hired out the church hall where they actually received their lessons so it was the perfect place for them to thank her and wish her a well-deserved retirement. For the party’s menu we planned a simple Hog Roast Westhill classic. We would be serving up whole roasted hog alongside some freshly roasted seasonal vegetables and corn on the cob. As always, we would provide a healthy array of salads and brought along a vegetarian option in the form of our chef’s homemade vegetable quiche.

As the guests arrived everyone was feeling emotional as in some cases there had been different generations of the family that Rose had taught from father and son to grandson! It was clear to see how much rose was loved and that her teaching would be missed. Luckily, she had made an effort to find a replacement music teacher and new comer, Paula, had a lot to live up to!

We discretely packed away our Hog Roast Westhill after everyone had gotten their fill and wished Rose and Albert the best for their retirement together!